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Interior Design
Mask up and move on…
It is our job as designers to find the unseen solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems. This year has proven that we are proficient in our problem solving skills. This virus tried and failed to hold us down. We have masked up and moved on, proving that we will succeed. As your chapter closes here at SASD I hope you look back on all of the solutions you have come up with. You are the problem solvers now.
This particular senior class has seen ups and downs. I am proud of each and every one of you for overcoming the difficulties life has thrown at you. I have had the privilege of watching you grow into talented, successful designers during your time here at SASD, and I am grateful.
I wish you all nothing but luck and love on your journeys into the real world. And always remember, you never lose, you only win or learn.
— Prof. Marsha Matto,
Chair, Interior Design at SASD 2021
Academic Honors
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